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Lt. Trevelyn L. McClure, DSC

Distinguished Service Cross (DSC), 351st Infantry Regiment

Selmian Given Medal of Son

Second Highest Award of Nation Presented to G. L. McClure (sic)

TUSCALOOSA, Ala., Jan.13--(AP)

--The Army's second highest combat award, the distinguished service cross, has been posthumously awarded to Lieutenant Trevelyn McClure of Selma, Ala. Brigadier General W. R. Dear presented the medal to the officer's father, Gordon L. McClure, at Northington General Hospital in Tuscaloosa, while the hero's widow, Mrs. T. L. McClure, of Greensboro, N. C., and his mother looked on.

Lt. McClure was killed by German machinegun fire in Italy last June 4. For a full day prior to his death, the lieutenant had commanded a six-man reconnaissance patrol, leading the attacking echelon of his regiment by a thousand yards. While so engaged, be spotted an enemy position with 50 Germans on his left flank.

"Lt. McClure boldly and skillfully led his men in a flanking attack on the enemy position to capture sixteen, wound six and kill four. The remainder of the hostile force was dispersed and no casualties were suffered," by his patrol, the citation said. Later the Alabamian discovered an enemy tank and led "his men In assaulting and capturing the armor, again with no loss to his patrol."

Still moving on, the lieutenant spotted a German ammunition truck fully loaded and succeed in capturing it with the driver and assistant driver.

On June 4, he again commanded patrol, and, leading a motorized infantry company, was entering the outskirts of a city when "the patrol was ambushed and received heavy machine gun and rifle fire that destroyed his Jeep and two remaining vehicles."

"Wounded in the engagement McCIure deployed his men and returned the fire. In the ensuing fight he was wounded several times more, but continued to lead his patrol until he was killed by bursts of machine gun fire."


"Selmian Given Medal of Son." The Selma Times-Journal (Selma, Alabama), Jan 14, 1945, p 1. Downloaded from

Photo from: "Two Army Award Given Lt. McClure." The Birmingham News, September 3, 1944. Downloaded from


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